
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Memorial Day BATHING SUIT Challenge!

Jacquie has graciously handed the challenge reigns over to me, after thinking long and hard about what this challenge should be, I think I have come to a decision but am welcoming any opinions. The theme for this challenge will be: memorial day, bathing suit challenge. I'm thinking we should do another 8 week challenge, with weekly weigh-ins on Sundays. For a start date: March 28th, and for an end date May 23rd. I have borrowed the challenge rules from Jacquie, they seemed to work out perfectly, so here they are:

Okay so here are the challenge rules:
1. Challenge starts SUNDAY March 28th. and ends SUNDAY May 23rd.
2. Weigh in days are SUNDAYS, please make sure to email me ( your weeks weight by 8 pm SUNDAY night so that I can post your numbers for the week.
3. Please include a picture of you on the scale, on the FIRST and LAST week of the weigh in's.
4. The challenge prize will go to the biggest loser meaning the person who loses the most % of weight from challenge week # 1 (Does anyone have any prize ideas?)

All I need is for anyone who is interested to leave a comment on my post letting me know your interested, and I will remind everyone weekly of when the challenge is set to start. If anyone has any idea's of a prize for the winner, that would be great! I can't wait to get this started, and I hope we will be as successful as past challenges!


  1. I am in!! I will think about a good prize :)

  2. I'm in - I love these! Maybe we could do a summer/swimsuit related prize. I'll think too...

  3. I am in too! We can all contribute for a gift card for a prize!

  4. I'm in!! I need a challenge.

    I was thinking a gift card for a bathing suit...??

  5. oooo Gen always find's really nice swim suits @ maybe there??

  6. I'm in! I'll make sure when I do take my pictures that I'm fully clothed, as I normally weigh myself butt naked. I'll spare you that image! lol

    I think a great prize would be a beach tote filled with all you need at the beach: beach towel, sunscreen, reusable water bottle, a book, and tunes. Or something like that.

  7. This sounds like fun! It will be my first Challenge. Do we show our feet on the scale or a full body shot?

  8. YAYYYY Look at everyone particapating! I loooove it!

    Jennifer: You can just show feet!

  9. Whew!
    Kristen, check your e-mail I'm sending you an image I created for the challenge. We can post it on our blogs to show we are participating. Let me know if you need any changes or have something else in mind. I'm just playing around with it for fun. :) Thanks for doing this - I'm really excited about it!

  10. I think it sounds like a great challenge!

  11. Wouldnt it be cool if we could have a paypal account or something and we all have to put in $5 to be in the challenge, and then whoever wins...wins the pot?

    I hate paypal though, and then you would have to handle money...

    just a thought though!

  12. oh and I forgot to tell you that your post about getting on all fours and tooting makes made me laugh out loud!!!! I think of you every time I PB at work now :)

  13. I'm in. But only because the little swimsuit chicky is SO cute! Ugh.

  14. My first official challenge. Count me in.

    I like the Athleta gift certificate idea. I can be used for workout clothes if the winner isn't ready for a suit yet. Or probably Old Navy, Gap and Banana too, right?

    And the $5 PayPal is a good idea. I have a feeling all of this blog community probably has an account. If not, it's free to open one.

  15. I have a PayPal account! I would be willing to do this if everyone agree'd!

  16. I'm in! I was really hoping for a Memorial day challenge :) I like the paypal idea. The only thing that I see as a potential issue is that I know some people join knowing that they "can't" win because they are "slow" losers, but they still want to the motivation to loss as much as they can. Would this stop them from signing up? Maybe the prize could be a "trophy" that the person can put on their blog.

  17. I'm in, except I am having problems with my I'm not sure if I'll be able to do the pics - but I'm honest, I swear!

    Love the image!

  18. I'm in like Flynn man! :) I've recently broken through a plateau so this would be great to keep it going. And also help me meet my goal of being able to put a swimsuit on at my family reunion the last Sunday in June.

  19. I am in, thanks for doing this one! I did not do so well in the last challenge because I was in the middle of moving and couldn't find my scale for a couple of weeks! This challenge should be much better for me!

  20. I want to play. Maybe this will be the boost to get me moving.

  21. I'm in! I like the idea of a visual 'trophy' that the winner would post on their blog. Cute idea! BUT - then again, show me the money! Or the bathing suit!

  22. Can I join in even though I am in Australia???? I don't mind if I have to forgo the prize although I do have a paypal account. Please?????

  23. I'd like to join the fun! I think all the 'prize' ideas sound terrific, too!
